The Broken Families Podcast (S1)

Conversations With Some of the Biggest Experts on the Alienation Front.
Often parents will say that they are stuck. They don’t know what they need to do to reconnect with their kids. Everything they try turns into a disaster.
That is why Barbara La Pointe and I created this resource, to help parents bridge the distance between them and their kids and to retake control of their lives.
Click the button below to view Season 1 of the Broken Families Podcast.
Season 1 Episode List
Season 1 features 30 episodes where Barbara La Pointe and I tackle topics like high conflict divorce, false allegations, healing trauma, and parental alienation.
Some episode highlights include:
Episode 5 – featuring Ginger Gentile (Director of the documentary Erasing Family)
Episode 9 – featuring Bill Eddy from the High Conflict Institute
Episode 15 – featuring parental alienation lawyer Ashish Joshi.

Broken Families Ep 4 – Intro to High Conflict Divorce
In this episode Barbara and Andrew talk about High Conflict Divorce and it the impacts it can create on you and your children.

Broken Families Ep 3- Intro to High Conflict Personalities
How do we deal with someone who has a high conflict personality? What are the red flags to watch out for?
In this episode, Andrew and Barbara dig into the psyche of a high conflict personality and how to best address them so you do not get sucked into yet another unnecessary conflict.

Broken Families Ep 2 – Interview with Jonine Lee Gabay
In this episode, Barbara and Andrew dive deep with special guest speaker, Jonine Lee Gabay on inherited family trauma.

Broken Families Ep 1 – The 4 Tactics Used in Parental Alienation
In this pilot episode, Andrew and Barbara discuss the 4 tactics used by alienating parents in parental alienation.
Tune into Future Seasons
If you enjoyed these episodes, be sure to follow Barbara La Pointe, who continues on hosting Season 2 of the podcast and beyond. Barbara takes over as a solo host, as I departed to pursue my writing career. The podcast has since been rebranded as the Healing Broken Families Podcast.
Additional Resources
Are you looking for more Parental Alienation resources?
Do you still have unanswered questions?
Then click below to read my parental alienation blog content where I explain a variety of valuable concepts that can help you reconnect with your child. If you have any questions that you would like to ask me directly, just reach out by emailing me below.
Please be advised that I work full time and I do not do this for a living. I apologize for any delays or inconvenience. I am not a licensed therapist or a legal expert. For any mental health challenges, please consult a medical professional and for legal matters, consult an attorney. All content I share is based upon my own experiences. If you would like to support my work, then feel free to buy me a coffee.